Chemical Liquid Fertilizers

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NPK’lı Gübre Çözeltisi
Completely Soluble in Water

It is effective on blooming mechanisms of the plants irrespective of the varieties and species. As known, plant perform blooming activity at the end of numerous physiological activities. The essential element known for blooming is phosphorus.

Besides, the main factors that start, trigger and protect the blooming mechanism are some enzymes and proteins.

The unique effect mechanism of Grand Force on blooming arises from the enzymes and proteins included. When the Grand Force is used in the recommended way and at the proper time, the blooming mechanism of the plants is triggered. Thus, while the plants begin to bloom, it makes use of phosphorus element at maximum level.

Grand Pol acts as a soil reclamation in land applications. By the help of materials included, it solves salinity of the soil and buffers pH of the soil.

Blooming is stimulated in a natural way in the plants that Grand Pol is applied, the effect of phosphorus on the plnat is increased and the amount required is reduced.


PlantApplication through leavesDamlama Sulama ile Uygulama
Cut Flowers150-200 g in 100 lt of water350-450 gr/da
Open Field Vegetables
150-200 g in 100 lt of water450-500 gr/da
Greenhouse Vegetables
125-175 g in 100 lt of water350-400 gr/da
Pome Fruits175-200 g in 100 lt of water
450-600 g/da or 50 g per tree
Stone Fruits175-200 g in 100 lt of water
450-600 g/da or 50 g per tree
Citrus Fruits, Olive Trees150-200 g in 100 lt of water
400-450 g/da or 40 g per tree
Vineyards150-200 g in 100 lt of water
300-400 g/da or 30 g per tree

Packaging: 1 Kg. 5Kg. 10 Kg. 25 Kg.