Organic Liquid Fertilizers

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Plant Origin Liquid Organic Fertilizer
Completely Soluble In Water

Crazy D-Ping;

It is completely plant sourced and organic. Contains amino acids and the total percentage of these amino acids is relatively high. The nitrogen included is in the organic form and prevents the plant to get excessive length as in use of chemical nitrogen, does not indulge plants and shortens the internodes.

The plant uses the nutriens it has got from the soil and other fertilizers not for synthesizing proteins but for growth. Use of Craz D-Ping increases the amount of photosynthesis in the plant. 

  • L-Glutamine contained increases the amount of chlorophyll, thereby the plant forms more nutriens with the increased amount of chlorophyll. 
  • Moreover, L-Asportic, provides energy production in the cells and plant can grow faster. 
  • L-Threonihe contained strengthens the immune system, so increases resistance of the plant against pests and other adverse conditions. 
  • L-Glys transforms the nutriens which are given to the plant but can not be used by the plant into chelate form and provides the product  to be taken more. 
  • L-Methionine increases the ethylene hormone in the plant by the help of ethlene fruits ripen earlier and roots grow more. 
  • L-Lysine facilitates pollination in the plants and increate fruit taking rate. 
  • L-Arginine increases the formation of flowers, so the yield. 
  • L-Histidine regulates the maturation and increases the attractiveness of the product.

Crazy D-Ping is a liquid product which has rich organic substances, high rates of free amino acids, optimum pH range and can be absorbed at extremely high levels. Its use is extremely convenient for greenhouse production especially in cold periods. It can maximize protein synthesis with the free amino acids it contains and stimulates the stable root growth.

Kullanım Dozajları Ve Zamanı​​

Product Type
Application PeriodsVia Foliar da/ 100 lt water/g
Via Soil to da/kg
Domates, biber, patlıcan2 applications in the nursery,
During the development period
100-1501 kg/da
Melon, watermelon, cucumber etc
In early development
Before first watering
At the beginning of the arm throw
In the fruiting period
100-1501 kg/da
Cherry, peach, apple, pear,
apricot, plum, nectarine etc.
Just after pruning
As the eyes wake up
After flowering or fruit formation
During fruit ripening After picking fruit


1 kg/da
VineyardsJust after pruning
When the eyes wake up, before the flower
During the Koruk period, After the harvest
150-2001 kg/da
OlivesPruning or After
Before flower, on summer shoot
200-2501 kg/da
CottonWith 8-10 leaves (Only in plant rows)
Before combing and flowering period
First cocoon period
125-1751 kg/da
CitrusBefore flower, After flower,
June before casting,
Just after harvest
200-2501 kg/da
Potatoes (In application from soil,
it is given with 1 lt irrigation per 5 decares in the first water.)
First surface period, before the first water,
At the beginning of flowering
after flowering
100-1501 kg/da
Cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli,
brussels cabbage, winter produce and Lettuce
In early growing period after 15-20 days
(2-3 applications are made.)
100-1501 kg/da
StrawberryAt the end of the winter period
Before and after flowering
15 days apart during harvest
100-1501 kg/da
Ornamental PlantsAt the beginning of the awakening period in the rose
bud squirt
Every 20 days during the development period
100-1501 kg/da
Arboriculture2 applications during growing periods
150-2001 kg/da
Packaging: 5 Kg. 25 Kg.